La papaïne est une enzyme digestive puissant couramment trouvée et extraite de la papaye (Carica papaya), elle est aussi appelée la papaye protéinase. La papaïne papaye enzyme joue un rôle clé dans les processus digestifs impliquant briser les fibres de protéines difficiles. Pour cette raison, il a été couramment utilisé dans son natif d’Amérique du Sud comme un soutien digestif pour la viande à manger.
La science est en train de rattraper la sagesse des guérisseurs traditionnels en Amérique du Sud. La papaïne peut jouer un rôle important dans la répartition des toxines et est une aide digestive puissant et antioxydant.
Comment fonctionne Papain travail?
La papaïne papaye enzyme est capable de décomposer les protéines plus grandes en petites protéines ou des peptides, ou même dans la plus petite sous-unité d’acide aminé en clivant les liaisons à l’intérieur de la chaîne protéique ou à la fin de la chaîne (endopeptidase et l’activité exopeptidase, respectivement) une large gamme de pH.
Cela lui donne une aptitude marquée pour améliorer le processus digestif totale et augmenter l’absorption des éléments nutritifs des aliments à base de protéines. Sa capacité à hydrolyser (décomposer) protéines signifie aussi qu’il peut jouer un rôle clé dans de nombreux processus physiologiques normaux et potentiellement influencer les processus de la maladie pour le bien.
Les avantages pour la santé de la papaïne

1. Renforce Digestion
L’un des principaux domaines dans lesquels la papaïne sert le corps est dans le domaine de ses propriétés de protéine-digestive. L’Université du Michigan appuie son utilisation comme support enzymatique pour les intestins, l’estomac et du pancréas.
2. La peau et le soin des plaies
En raison de capacités bénéfiques de la papaïne, il est actuellement à l’étude pour des applications topiques sur les brûlures, irritations et blessures. Il a également été utilisée pour les ulcères et escarres. Les cultures traditionnelles à Hawaii et Tahiti ont fait des cataplasmes sur les peaux de papaye, car cette partie du fruit est particulièrement concentrée dans la papaïne. Ils ont appliqué à la peau pour guérir les plaies, les brûlures, les éruptions cutanées et les piqûres d’insectes.
3. Résistant à Fungus
Les études montrent que l’enzyme papaïne est également résistante à des champignons. Un rapport de la Revue africaine de recherche agricole 2010 a révélé que les extraits de Carica papaya (papaïne) pourraient statistiquement réduire le pathogène fongique causant pawpaw la pourriture des fruits.
4. Soutien du système immunitaire
Selon la Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, la papaïne peut agir comme un système de soutien immunitaire pour le traitement du cancer, comme des enzymes protéolytiques telles que la papaïne aide pour moduler les leucocytes dans la réponse immunitaire.
5. Rougeur résistant
Des études confirment que l’enzyme papaïne a une résistance puissante aux rougeurs et peut aider à réduire l’irritation commune et de la prostate. Une étude de l’Université du Maryland Medical Center, montre que la papaïne a été efficace pour aider le corps à réduire le gonflement associé à la prostatite.
6. Antioxydant
Papain détient des composés qui peuvent aider à protéger le corps contre les dommages cellulaires causés par les radicaux libres. Une étude publiée dans le Journal of Dairy Science a constaté que la papaïne peut offrir une alternative potentielle aux additifs chimiques pour augmenter la survie des bactéries probiotiques dans le yogourt en raison de ses propriétés d’oxydation. De même, il est également un puissant agent couramment utilisé dans la conservation des aliments, car il réduit les infestations bactériennes et la détérioration due à l’oxydation.
Comment lire les unités de mesure pour la papaïne
La papaïne est une protéase d’origine végétale mesurée en PUs (papaïne unités). Un FCC-PU (protéolytique usine Méthode analytique) est basée sur un 60 minutes protéolytique hydrolyse du substrat de caséine à pH 6,0 et 40 ° C. La notation FCC signifie Foods Chemical Codex et est une division de l’USP (United States Pharmacopeia). Il établit des normes pour les ingrédients. Dans le cas des enzymes, FCC est un test standard utilisé pour déterminer avec précision l’activité des enzymes. Le recueil actuel est FCC VI.
Comment lire les unités de mesure pour la papaïne
La papaïne est une protéase d’origine végétale mesurée en PUs (papaïne unités). Un FCC-PU (protéolytique usine Méthode analytique) est basée sur un 60 minutes protéolytique hydrolyse du substrat de caséine à pH 6,0 et 40 ° C. La notation FCC signifie Foods Chemical Codex et est une division de l’USP (United States Pharmacopeia). Il établit des normes pour les ingrédients. Dans le cas des enzymes, FCC est un test standard utilisé pour déterminer avec précision l’activité des enzymes. Le recueil actuel est FCC VI.
fournisseur de papaïne
Où puis-je trouver la meilleure source de Papain?
Le produit VeganZyme® contient un formulaire végétalien 100% de papaïne extraite de la papaye theCarica. Il provient de toutes les sources végétariens, non-OGM, est certifié casher, sans gluten, made in USA, ne contient pas de produits d’origine animale et est tout à fait convenable pour les végétariens et les végétaliens.
VeganZyme est plein spectre formule la plus avancée enzyme systémique et digestive dans le monde et est exempt de charges et de composés toxiques. Cette formule contient des enzymes digestives qui aident à la digestion des graisses (lipides), les sucres, les protéines, les glucides, le gluten, les fruits et les légumes, les céréales, les légumineuses, le son, les noix et les graines, le soja, les produits laitiers, et toutes les autres sources de nourriture.
La papaïne est l’un des populaires additifs et ingrédients alimentaires dans la plupart des pays, en tant que fournisseur de papaïne professionnel et fabricant, FOODCHEM a été fourniture et l’exportation Papain de la Chine depuis près de 10 ans. Toute demande de renseignements et les problèmes se sentent s’il vous plaît libres d’envoyer des courriels à nous par, nous vous répondrons dans les 1 jour ouvrable.


Papain fournisseur Papain supplier 


Heartburn / GERD / Acid Reflux
Products containing orange peel extract deliver relief from occasional heartburn, acid indigestion, and upset stomach. They will not reduce mineral absorption or inhibit protein digestion, and do not shut down acid production nor adversely affect acid-producing cells, as many antacids do.

Orange peel extract should be standardized to contain a minimum of 98% of d-limonene. Upon first experiencing symptoms, take one softgel capsule (1,000mg) every other day for 20 days, and one softgel capsule as needed for occasional relief thereafter.

Almost 90% of participants reported resolution of heartburn symptoms 2 weeks after starting orange peel extract. Almost one-third experienced resolution of heartburn symptoms as early as day 2 of the study. In addition, even though participants stopped taking the orange peel extract, they still reported symptom resolution on days 21, 28 and 35. In other words, orange peel extract remained effective against heartburn for 2 weeks after they stopped taking it. Occasionally, after completing the 20-day treatment period, some people may experience mild heartburn after eating foods they had previously avoided. The study scientists concluded these individuals overindulged on these “forbidden” foods. Taking a single orange peel extract capsule as needed usually solves this problem.

Not recommended for
Gastric/Peptic/Duodenal Ulcers

Not recommended for
Pregnancy-Related Issues
Use of orange peel extract is not recommended during pregnancy or while nursing.

Orange Peel Extract is one of the popular food additives and ingredients in most countries, As a professional Orange Peel Extract suppliers and manufacturer, FOODCHEM has been supplying and exporting Orange Peel Extract from China for almost 10 years. Any inquiries and problems please feel free to send Emails to us via, we will reply you within 1 working day.

オレンジピール抽出物 [10:1]提供業者や製造者 

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is set to become a major sports nutrition supplement in the next decade. Since CLA was first identified as an anticarcinogen factor in ground beef (Pariza et al 1979). CLA has been found to have many useful properties that have been demonstrated in animal studies. Over the last few years many of the effects reported in animal studies have been replicated in human studies and CLA supplementation in humans is now an exciting area of research.

Since CLA has been shown to reduce body fat it is likely that this will be the main reason for supplementation. Human studies have supported evidence from animal studies to show that supplementation with as little as 3.2g of CLA per day can significantly reduce body fat mass in overweight and obese humans. (Blankson et al 2000) There is speculation that the low levels of CLA in a modern diet may be a contributory factor to high levels of obesity reported in Western Societies. It is easy to see that shortages of CLA may occur in a western diet when you consider the different CLA levels in the milk of cows that are intensively farmed as opposed to pasture fed. It is important to recognize that CLA is the name for a group of compounds, not all CLA is the same. CLA consists of a group of dienoic isomers of linoleic acid not all of which have active properties. Studies have found large variations in the trans-isomer composition of CLA, the important cis-9, trans-11 isomer may be as little as 73 % to over 90% of the total CLA.

For general health benefits CLA supplementation of 2-3g per day seems appropriate but those looking for a positive effect on body composition should take 3-6g daily. CLA is a natural food constituent; it is well tolerated and is not a stimulant.

Conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) CAS:2420-56-6, are a family of at least 28 isomers of linoleic acid found mostly in the meat and dairy products derived from ruminants. CLAs can be either cis- or trans-fats and the double bonds of CLAs are conjugated and separated by a single bond between them.CLA is marketed as a dietary supplement on the basis of its supposed health benefits.

FOODCHEM is the Conjugated linoleic acid powder suppliers and manufacturer, engaged in the export and wholesale of Conjugated linoleic acid powder for more than 10 years. The MOQ of Conjugated linoleic acid powder is 100 kgs, if you need only a small amount, please contact the local distributor of Conjugated linoleic acid powder. Any suggestions and questions about the Conjugated linoleic acid powder, please send Email to, we will reply within 24 hours.

Conjugated linoleic acid powder supplier

共役リノール酸粉末 [40%]提供業者や製造者

poudre conjugué de l’acide linoléique [40%] fournisseur

Pomegranate juices (Pomegranate juice), first of all, compare drinks!

Kineszakro is different from the pomegranate seeds squeezed.
Iran produced black pomegranate seeds, red pomegranate seeds a whole grinding is like no other that used Pomegranate juice.
Kineszakro extract contains polyphenols in pomegranate extract of usually about 10 times.
Any obsolete pesticides, additives, of course!
(for 100 g and contains 2,270 mg polyphenols). Food analysis development center research

You can make lots of delicious pomegranate juices (Pomegranate juice) from the kineszakro bottle kineszakro concentrate dilute with water, so.

Looks cloudy at first glance, but this is a seed.
Contains ingredients important to seed!

Seeds into translation has remained concentrated Pomegranate juice high repeat rate.

About the kineszakro of Pomegranate juice
Kineszakro 5 attention

-It is using up the natural pomegranate seeds whole Pomegranate juice
-Without a drop of water and sugar, organic 100% natural fruit juice,
-Is a reputable and very tasty sweet and sour flavor
-Using the country of origin of the pomegranate, Iran produced top quality black pomegranate and red pomegranate
-12 double concentration because Toro-y and is dark.
Kineszakro cheer, women’s beauty, energy and youthfulness.
Pomegranate fruit in an important ingredient contained anywhere, you know?
I think pulp of the pomegranate, pomegranate seeds to important components are most often included.
Kineszakro, kineszakro, pomegranate [natural seeds] up using whole Pomegranate juice.
Using fruit harvested in the mountains across Iran in the country of origin pomegranate red garnet, black pomegranate and pomegranate seeds, [due to the unique technology natural seeds of the pomegranate] until succeeded in leaving.
Pomegranate juice contains most contain ingredients are important to female seeds until it is.

Pomegranate Extract is one of the popular food additives and ingredients in most countries, As a professional Pomegranate Extract suppliers and manufacturer, FOODCHEM has been supplying and exporting Pomegranate Extract from China for almost 10 years. Any inquiries and problems please feel free to send Emails to us via, we will reply you within 1 working day.

ザクロエキス [40%プニカラギン]提供業者や製造者

Acheter Extrait de grenade fournisseur

La Guarana pertence al grupo de drogas categorizadas como estimulantes, al igual que el café, el té, la efedra, el catha edulis y el mate. Proviene de las semillas de un tipo de parra del Amazonas llamada Paullinia Cupana. Su apariencia es muy similar a la castaña y su uso data desde hace miles de años.

Los primeros informes sobre su aparición en Europa datan de mitades del siglo 18. Su contenido alto en cafeína – más de un 5% – lo ha convertido en un componente en las bebidas energéticas. Muchas tribus indígenas la consideran un fruto de los Dioses y lo consumen como ayuda para la caza.


La Guarana es la planta más potente de todas las que contienen cafeína, 3 veces más fuerte que el mismo café. Alguno sde sus componentes de cafeína existen en los enlaces del ácido tánico.


La Guarana posee grandes poderes estimulantes pero no produce los típicos temblores que provoca el café. Los complejos vinculantes de los ácidos de la guarana provocan un efecto inhibidor del hambre y la sed. Actúa también como un ligero anti-depresivo y efectos afrodisíacos. Curiosamente, muchas personas son inmunes a dichos efectos y pueden incluso provocar mucho cansancio si la toman en dosis elevadas.

PREPARACIÓN Y DOSIS-Guarana Powder suppliers

Los indígenas machacan la semillas y la mezclan con Cassava (Tapioca) para que fermente. Luego lo dejan secar al sol. Pequeñas cantidades se sacan del pan y se utilizan para hacer té. El extracto de Guarana se usa en Occidente como componente en chicles, tés y bebidas enlatadas.


No hay efectos secundarios conocidos del uso de la Guarana, aunque muchas bebidas energéticas que la contienen pueden provocar deshidratación si se toman en grandes cantidades.

El guaraná es utilizado en las bebidas gaseosas azucaradas o gaseosas y tomas de energía, un ingrediente del té de hierbas o contenidos en cápsulas. Generalmente, América del Sur obtiene la agregación de plaquetas de conejo mayor parte de su cafeína de extracto de guarana.Guarana reduce hasta en un 37 por ciento por debajo de los valores de control y la disminución de la formación de tromboxano de las plaquetas a partir de ácido araquidónico por 78 por ciento por debajo values.It control no se sabe si tal acción de plaquetas tiene ningún efecto sobre el riesgo de infarto de miocardio o isquemia stroke.Guarana polvo es uno de los aditivos alimentarios y los ingredientes populares en la mayoría de countries.

As un proveedor de guaraná en polvo profesional y fabricante de aditivos alimentarios, Foodchem International Corporation ha sido el suministro de guaraná en polvo de calidad para clientes en todo el mundo durante más de 10 años. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta o desea recibir una cotización, no dude en comunicarse con nosotros por correo electrónico: o por teléfono: +86 21 2206 3075. La persona de ventas se pondrá en contacto con usted en 1 día laborable.

Sophora japonica, otherwise known as Japanese pagoda tree, is native to eastern China and Japan. Its beautiful white flowers make it a prized ornamental tree all over the world. But, it’s not only beautiful, it’s also very beneficial to the circulatory system. Sophora japonica has a documented history of being used to promote optimal vein health and it’s actually one of the fifty fundamental herbs in traditional Chinese medicine.

Why is Sophora Japonica Effective?

Sophorae Japonica Extract

Many plants and botanicals contain a range of highly active and beneficial phytonutrient compounds; Sophora japonica is no exception. Sophora japonica contains two potent flavonoids, troxerutin and oxymatrine, which exhibit strong antioxidant activity and have repeatedly been shown to support circulatory system health.

Sophora Japonica and Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids, which are categorized by swollen and uncomfortable blood vessels around the anus, are an unpleasant, but extremely common problem. Topical creams, ointments, and cushions are common therapies but many people understandably prefer herbal remedies that promote venous health, rather than simply temper unpleasant symptoms.

The beneficial compounds contained within Sophora japonica may make it one of the best herbal supplements for hemorrhoids. Troxerutin has vasoprotective properties and is a therapy for hemorrhoids. Oxymatrine is known to help reduce the swelling associated with unhealthy blood vessels.

Sophora Japonica and Cardiovascular Health

Although Sophora japonica promotes healthy blood vessels, it also promotes overall cardiovascular system health. It supports normal heartbeat and helps create an environment that’s less susceptible to blood clot formation. Preliminary animal models suggest that oxymatrine may even protect the heart and improve its functionality.

Sophorae Japonica Extract  suppliers

sophoraeジャポニカ抽出物 [95%ルチン]提供業者や製造者

Sophora japonica Extract [95% rutine] fournisseur

I am Siegfried, engaged in selling Bearberry Extract in Russia, thus, it is extremely important for me to select a reliable supplier of Bearberry Extract.
Supply of Products

Compared with Manufacturers, other than service advantage, main advantage of trading companies lies in being able to provide various kinds of products. For example, when we would like to order Bearberry Extract as well as several other food ingredients, trading companies becomes the best choice, since unlike factories, traders can provide one-stop service and have greater bargaining powder which permits a lower price.

Of course , we can purchase Bearberry Extract directly from manufacturers if the volume is large enough, but it won’t be a bad choice if we keep in touch with some large-scaled traders. Because once your long-term-cooperate factory is in short of Bearberry Extract , we can turn to trading companies, who can help to find other suppliers shortly or even direct supply Bearberry Extract in no time.

As far as we know, big suppliers of food additives and ingredients can basically provide more than 100 kinds of products, among which, Foodchem International Corporation are able to supply overseas customers more than 300 kinds of food additives and ingredients, plant extracts, nutritional supplements, apis, etc.
Sales of Supplier

There are tons of suppliers of Bearberry Extract in China, thus, supply scale should be important, Bearberry Extract suppliers with a certain size suppliers tend to have more bargaining power, in some country, we can even find their Bearberry Extract supply volumes through customs data.
Google “Company Name”

A renowned company name usually shows a great deal results on Goolge Search, because its company name is frequently searched by their customers or cited by other web sites.
Take “Foodchem International Corporation” as an example, as has been showed in the below picture, there comes out more than 298,000 searching results on Google.
Company Name

As a professional trader or manufacturer of food additives, normally its company name has food, chemical, additives or other key words in it. Other trading companies who have affairs in all fields, usually performs unprofessionally.
Google “Website”

While Googling a company website, there will be attached links along with the website on result page. It is an effective and reliable route to judge company scale and brand awareness since not a single company is able to impact Google’s objective valuation towards any company.


Bearberry Extract suppliers will never ever lose the opportunity to communicate with customers face to face on exhibitions. Although with rapid development of the network, some people choose not to attend exhibitions, while substantial companies still avail these opportunities to meet their clients and looking for potential clients.

Therefore, exhibitions provide a efficient solution to find Bearberry Extract good suppliers: Visit suppliers’ websites to see their participation in the exhibitions.

Warehouse is also important for Bearberry Extract suppliers, Bearberry Extract traders make judgments through Bearberry Extract market situation. On one hand, while Bearberry Extract is in the upside, traders purchase bulk Bearberry Extract for storage, and sell with the price advantage; On the other, vendors need to keep cargo in warehouse in case customers need LCL loaded.

Foodchem International Corporation owns an EDC warehouse in Shanghai, an advanced warehouse system which only few trading companies in Shanghai can provide, it avails fast delivery within 1 week.

Generally cargo takes ship delivery; thus, sustainable trading companies tend to set their sites in coast cities, such as Shanghai, Qingdao, and

Is Marigold Extract gluten free?

Marigold Extract
is gluten free and widely used in gluten free food to provide to .

Why is Marigold Extract gluten free?

 Marigold Extract
(Hydroxyethyledene Diphosphonic Acid) is used as scale and corrosion inhibition in circulating cool water system, oil field and low-pressure boilers in fields such as electric power, chemical industry, metallurgy, fertilizer, etc.. In light woven industry, Marigold Extract
is used as detergent for metal and nonmetal. In dyeing industry, Marigold Extract
is used as peroxide stabilizer and dye-fixing agent; In non-cyanide electroplating, Marigold Extract
is used as chelating agent. The dosage of 1-10mg/L is preferred as scale inhibitor, 10-50mg/L as corrosion inhibitor, and 1000-2000mg/L as detergent. Usually, Marigold Extract
is used together with polycarboxylic acid.

How is Marigold Extract used in gluten free food?

Marigold Extract
is widely used in to provide to . Marigold Extract
is usually used in processed food rather than daily recipe.

Why should you go Gluten free?

Celiac disease: Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease that attacks the small intestine due to the presence of gluten, for which a gluten-free diet is the only medically-accepted treatment. In 2009 research showed between 0.5 and 1.0 percent of people in the US and UK are sensitive to gluten due to celiac disease. So people with Celiac disease have to stick to gluten free diet to avoid unexpected side effect caused by consumption of gluten.

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity: Some people may be sensitive to gluten but do not have celiac disease and feel better on a diet with less gluten. However, there are no specific symptoms confirmed. Non-celiac gluten sensitivity also drives more people to gluten free diet when people believe that they feel better when eating gluten free.

This application file is based on limited review of Foodchem International Corporation. Marigold Extract
one of the popular food additives and ingredients in most countries, As a professional Marigold Extract suppliers, Foodchem International Corporation has been supplying and exporting Marigold Extract
from China for almost 10 years, please be assured to buy Marigold Extract
at Foodchem. Any inquiries and problems please feel free to send emails to us Email: Tel: +86-21-2206-3075.we will reply you within 1 working day.

Imagining food without any color in it is impossible ! Food would be so boring a thing without the exciting colors in it. Most of the kids are taught colors with fruits and vegetables. Red apples, orange oranges, yellow mangoes, green grapes, etc. Not just fruits, candies, ice creams, puddings, confectionary products and many other preparations appear so tempting due to their rich colors.

Colors actually make food appear good and more appetizing. Different food colors and dyes are included to add a zing to the food. All these food colors are food dyes and colorings that occur either naturally or are created artificially. In technical terms, a food dye is a food additive substance that is added to the food to change or improve the food color. It may or may not enhance the flavor of the the food, though. A number of food colors can be attained naturally from natural foods. For example, green color that can be obtained from chlorophyll and green tea, yellow color that can be obtained from benign yellow flowers, red color from carrots, cabbage or beetroot, deep purples, pinks, blues and more. Almost all colors can be found as natural food dyes in some form or the other.

But then we also have substitutes known as the artificial food colors. Artificial and synthetic food dyes are prepared artificially, packaged and marketed. Since extracting natural food dyes at home is a tedious effort, generally most people tend to go for the artificial food dyes. Each of the two types of food dyes are different in their properties and nature. Let’s understand each of them in a little more detail.

Natural Food Dyes

Natural Food Colors

Natural Food Colors

Talking about natural food dyes, as said before, they refer to food colors that are derived from different edible products. Some of the popular natural food colors are:

Caramel food coloring – Caramel coloring is made from caramelized sugar, used mainly for getting a brown a beige-brownish coffee color, in products like cakes, pastries, gravy, seasoning and sauces and sweet syrups.

Carmine food dye – Carmine food dye is red food dye derived from insects are is popularly used in candies, fruit fillings and dairy products.

Annatto extract – Annatto extract is the red food color derived from the annatto seeds.

Other similar natural color dyes and their sources are:

  • Carmine blue
  • Chlorophyll
  • Black current
  • Curcumin
  • Grape
  • Paparika
  • Turmeric

DL-Alanine CAS 302-72-7

But being natural food dyes does not mean that they are completely harmless. Many people suffer food dye allergies and intolerances with different food dyes. These natural food dye allergies may vary from minor to serious ones depending upon the individual intolerance levels. For example, a number of people are allergic and react to annatto food dye and carmine red food dye.

Artificial Food Colorings

Artificial food dyes are the ones that are artificially prepared to substitute for the natural food dye, or to create food colorings that cannot be found in the natural food coloring. Such colors usually carry harmful chemicals and complaints regarding their harmful effects have been a global phenomenon. People have suffered allergies and reactive intolerances due to harmful ingredients in artificial food coloring. The popular artificial food colorings are:

Artificial Food Colorings

Artificial Food ColoringsFoodadditives-jp


  • Erythrosine
  • Tartrazine
  • Sunset Yellow
  • Patent Blue V
  • Allura Red Food Coloring
  • Quinonline Yellow
  • Fast Green
  • Brilliant Blue

DL-Alanine powder supplier and manufacturer,

These artificial food colorings are put in plethora of food items specially the packaged ones. Ice creams, cakes, fruit drinks, seasonings, sauces, medicines, medicinal syrups, chips, cheese products and other packaged foods. But at the some time they have a number of side effects are allergic reactions associated with them. Research has proved that these dyes have both short term and long term adverse effects on young, old and kids alike. But since they are unavoidable. There heath hazards are showing in the shape of obesity, hyperactivity, lesser immunity levels and aggravated heath conditions like migraine, asthma and other problems.

What is Monosodium Glutamate?

May 15, 2010- Monosodium Glutamate or sodium glutamate is the full form for MSG. It is nothing bust a sodium salt derived from the naturally occurring amino acid glutamate acid. It is popularly used a food enhancing food additive. Most of the big names in the food brands and food industry use MSG in amongst other food ingredients. Its HS code is 29224220 and E number E621.

Monosodium Glutamate manufacturers

Monosodium Glutamate-jp

MSG patent is owned by Ajinimoto Corporation, Japan and therefore, it is popularly known as MSG ajinimoto. MSG is a stable colorless in solid form that is degraded by strong oxidizing agents. Only the naturally occurring L-glutamate is used a flavor enhancer, which is naturally found in protein rich foods like cheese, milk, walnut, mushroom etc.

Why is MSG used?

MSG is uses for enhancing the flavor of the foods, specially in restaurants and packaged foods. Usually packages foods use low quality ingredients. MSG prevents the food from getting stale and thus increases their shelf life. As a flavor enhancing food additive it has succeeded in nations that do not use other pungent spices, which are majorly the western continents. Monosodium Glutamate, MSG has addictive substances that work like a drug. Heavy use of this additive food additive, monosodium glutamate in junk and snack meals is leading to major obesity issues in the western countries.

MSG Flavor Enhancer

MSG suppliers

MSG Flavor Enhancer-Foodadditives

Monosoduim glutamate, or MSG is popular food additive in countries that do not use much of spices and chilly. As a flavor enhancer MSG additive is a found in a number of products, especially in the foods of western countries, like in potato chips, soups, canned gravy, frozen meals, meat tendering. salad dressings and hamburgers. Mostly monosodium glutamate, MSG is found in most of the snack and junk foods.

Monosodium Glutamate, MSG Side Effects

Despite being proved to be a harmless food enhancing additive, monosodium glutamate health related side effects are far too many to be ignored. Numerous people have had serious health issues, side effects and different kinds of allergies related to the monosodium glutamate, MSG. MSG is an excitotoxin, that is, it has chemical transmitters that excite the brain cells to death. Some of the common side effect associated with monosodium glutamate are:

MSG Side Effects


  • Headache and migraine problems.
  • Breathing disorder.
  • It is also known to affect the regular functioning of the brain.
  • Diarrhea
  • Heart related reactions might occur in many.
  • Blood pressure rise.
  • Since its addictive, it also leads to obesity.
  • Sometimes, monosodium glutamate is also related to diabetes and autism.